"American Idol" contestants have expressed their confidence that Jennifer Lopez will get through her divorce process with Marc Anthony well. Asked how the female judge reacts after the news broke out the same day she appeared on the FOX reality series, Skylar Laine replied, "I'm sure Jennifer is handling things fine. She's Jennifer Lopez, she can do what she wants!"
Echoing the country music beauty's statement, Colton Dixon claimed the "On the Floor" hitmaker didn't show any negative attitude despite the divorce filing. "I didn't know that," so the 20-year-old said. "Yikes. Jennifer is a superstar. I never would have known from her attitude that news [on her divorce] was released today. She's such a class act. We all love Jennifer. She's so genuine, she's a very independent woman and she knows how to handle herself that way."
On Jennifer's much younger boyfriend Casper Smart, Skylar commented, "We've seen Casper." The country music beauty added, "I've never met him, but I've seen him. He wears sunglasses a lot. It's whatever she wants. I'm sure he's a nice guy. She looks taller than him which is kind of funny. Maybe it's her heels."
Jessica Sanchez also gushed on the couple's relationship, simply saying, "They're cute together." Meanwhile, Elise Testone admitted watching Jennifer and her boy-toy on "Dance Again" music video made her feel like she "was invading their personal space."
Still, she added, "But she's so beautiful, and I really do look up to her. I think she was rocking what she's got, and that's all you can do while you're here on Earth. If I looked like J.Lo, I would do that all the time!"
Phillip Phillips, on the other hand, enjoys watching the clip which is filled with steamy scenes as telling E! Online, "The video was mmm-mmm-good!" He added with laugh, "I wasn't complaining."
Marc Anthony filed for divorce from Jennifer Lopez on Monday, April 9, but it's not until Wednesday, April 4 that the news broke out. The couple, who tied the knot on June 5, 2004 in a secret ceremony, has been separated since July 2011.
Echoing the country music beauty's statement, Colton Dixon claimed the "On the Floor" hitmaker didn't show any negative attitude despite the divorce filing. "I didn't know that," so the 20-year-old said. "Yikes. Jennifer is a superstar. I never would have known from her attitude that news [on her divorce] was released today. She's such a class act. We all love Jennifer. She's so genuine, she's a very independent woman and she knows how to handle herself that way."
On Jennifer's much younger boyfriend Casper Smart, Skylar commented, "We've seen Casper." The country music beauty added, "I've never met him, but I've seen him. He wears sunglasses a lot. It's whatever she wants. I'm sure he's a nice guy. She looks taller than him which is kind of funny. Maybe it's her heels."
Jessica Sanchez also gushed on the couple's relationship, simply saying, "They're cute together." Meanwhile, Elise Testone admitted watching Jennifer and her boy-toy on "Dance Again" music video made her feel like she "was invading their personal space."
Still, she added, "But she's so beautiful, and I really do look up to her. I think she was rocking what she's got, and that's all you can do while you're here on Earth. If I looked like J.Lo, I would do that all the time!"
Phillip Phillips, on the other hand, enjoys watching the clip which is filled with steamy scenes as telling E! Online, "The video was mmm-mmm-good!" He added with laugh, "I wasn't complaining."
Marc Anthony filed for divorce from Jennifer Lopez on Monday, April 9, but it's not until Wednesday, April 4 that the news broke out. The couple, who tied the knot on June 5, 2004 in a secret ceremony, has been separated since July 2011.